Merchant Help

Get the most from your listing!

We are glad that you have decided to become a merchant partner of Insurance Agent Central and look forward to the value that you bring our Members.

The more time that you put into completing this information and providing value to our members with Free Content, Free Resources, and Discounts the greater your ROI will be.  Remember your only investment is your time in completing this listing and then offering a great deal to our members so let's get started!

To view in full screen put your mouse over the video and then click on the icon on the right.

0:00 - 3:30Your Profile:
What your profile looks like to our members.
3:30 - 8:10Basic Information:
Company | Contact | Location | Social
8:10 - 8:30Profile Photo Tab:
8:30 - 11:00Additional Details: Categories | Hours | Payment Types
11:00 - 12:15About You:
Main company description
12:15 - 14:40Audio Files: 
Soundcloud Only
14:40 - 17:25Discounts
17:25 - 18:25Events
18:25 - 19:35Photo Albums
19:35 - 21:25Videos: YouTube and Vimeo
Coming SoonFree Resources

The information in this section is what is displayed to our members who want to contact you.

Company Name

Company Email
If you are offering a Discount and we hope you are, then this is the email the member would use to contact you about the deal.

Company Phone
If you are offering a Discount and we hope you are, then this is the phone number the member would use to contact you about the deal.

Contact for IAC Deal
This is the name of the person that our members would ask for to get their deal.

Short Description- This is KEY as this is the description that is shown in the search results. See the example to the right. Limited to 300 characters.

Administrative Contact
The contact information in this section should be the person at your company that IAC should reach out to if we have questions about your listing or your discount offer.

Where Are You Located
Please enter either your full address or your City and State in the field above the map. Google will find your address and you can select it from the dropdown.

Do not try to enter your address in the fields below the map, Google will populate these for you. 

Website and Social Media Links
The only required field is your Website.

We strongly encourage you to complete any of these that you have as additional content such as Tweets and Facebook posts will show on your profile page.

Profile Logo
We recommend that you use the square Profile Logo which is a square image.

Any square image of your logo in almost any format greater than 200 pixels x 200 pixels will work.

If you want help with this please just sent a copy of your logo to and we will do the rest.

These are listed as Specialties on your listing and are also used for members to filter and sort and search. You can choose up to 15 but in most cases, you will probably only select 2-6.

The rule of thumb is that the service must be able to be purchased as a stand-alone product to be listed.
Click the blue arrow to see all the sub-categories or search to filter.  You can also click on the Resources by Category link in the navigation bar at the top of the page to open a new tab and view all of the available categories.

If you can not find the appropriate sub-category please let us know and we will get it added for you.

Share More Details
Again more is always better as all of this shows to our members and lets them know more about you and your company.

Of particular value are the hours of operation and what forms of payment you accept.

About You and Your Company
When a Member clicks on a view listing link anywhere on the IAC site this is the first block of text that shows.

Please take the time to be very descriptive of your services and or products.  Anything that you include here is indexed and can be found by our members using our Global Site Search feature.

Sidebar Navigation

  1. You can either click View Your Listing here or in the top navigation to see what your listing will look like to our Members.
  2. This is where you will go to read the reviews from our members.  You can also make a public response to a review.
  3. As a Merchant, you have the opportunity to write an article that is available to all of our members.
  4. Do you have an audio file that you want to share with our members this is where you would do that.
  5. This is where you will post the discount that you are offering the IAC Members.  Please note that of you make any changes then we will be notified to review it before it goes live.  
  6. If you have an event that you want to make our members aware of this is where it is done.
  7. You can upload any photos here and create an album.
  8. Videos can be linked to from Vimeo and YouTube.
  9. Free resources are where you would upload documents, links to website content such as a free E-Book, along with audio and videos that you want to highlight.
  10. This is where you go to make changes to your account such as password etc.