Certified Financial Fiduciaries - CFF - Categories - Insurance Industry
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Certified Financial Fiduciaries - CFF

Designations & Certifications
Charlotte, North Carolina, 28211

About Certified Financial Fiduciaries - CFF

All fiduciaries are not the same! Protect yourself, your practice, and your clients by becoming a Certified Financial Fiduciary today!

There has never been a more relevant or crucial time to get a professional designation than right now. Whether enforced through the DOL or the SEC, the demand for best interest financial planning from consumers and regulators alike is not going away.  

It's no longer enough to just say you are a fiduciary - now you have to prove it! In fact, if you are not willing to do everything it takes to be a fiduciary, or worse, if you're not 100% sure of exactly what being a true fiduciary entails, we recommend that do not claim to be a fiduciary at all! These days, carelessly claiming to be a fiduciary without proper knowledge, education, and a proven best interest standard of practice could result in costly litigation. The problem with saying that you are not a fiduciary, however, is that your clients and certain regulators are still demanding it.

This is why we exist.  We are the National Association of Certified Financial Fiduciaries (NACFF).  NACFF was created to provide all the information, tools, and resources needed for financial professionals to ensure they are compliant with and adhering to all fiduciary standards. We have taken it a step further by providing a comprehensive fiduciary training program and certification process that will further establish qualified financial professionals as Certified Financial Fiduciaries® (CFF). 

The Certified Financial Fiduciary® designation is the only designation that focuses solely on training financial professionals to be true fiduciaries. It is the only designation that clients and prospects can recognize as a designation meant to protect them. 

The CFF designation is reserved for financial professionals who have successfully completed a rigorous certification and training process established by NACFF and AFEA (The American Financial Education Alliance), and who agree to uphold the highest moral, ethical and fiduciary standards of service when providing advice to potential or existing clients. 

Financial professionals who have earned the Certified Financial Fiduciary® (CFF) designation can immediately and clearly demonstrate an expert knowledge of fiduciary standards, and how they practice a fundamental obligation to always put their client’s best interests first. Additionally, CFF designees are bound by a code of conduct which holds them to the highest standards of professionalism in the financial services industry. 

The certification mark coupled with the information and processes taught in the course makes it easy for a financial professional to quickly demonstrate the added value and security they bring to potential and existing clients. 

Contact Information

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Certified Financial Fiduciaries - CFF
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  • Location
    8514 McAlpine Park Dr STE 280
    Charlotte, North Carolina, 28211
    United States

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    What year was your business established?
    Hours of Operation
    8:30 - 5:30 Mon - Fri
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